
Marchelle Orozco Free
Yamirka Free
Colin Strickland Free
Kaylah Free
Grace Gerhard Free
Brian wade Free
Jhaycel borja Free
Danielle Prince Free
Jeani  Pepper Free

The Wall

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Rose Rosenthal Free
Jan 27
that should have been MT 1000 words/phrase (not 100) but still cannot "converse".s
Rose Rosenthal Free
Jan 27
I am new member. I am 82 yrs old. Looking for someone help me learn ASL. DIdn't realize this is spossbly more of a dating site.II know over a 100 words/phrases but can't read others signing to me very well. Looking for receptive practice. I f you know someone that would help me let me know plz.I am new member. I am 82 yrs old. Looking for someone help me learn ASL. DIdn't realize this is spossbly more of a dating site.II know over a 100 words/phrases but can't read others signing to me very...See more

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Should contain only latin letters and digits.
Should contain only latin letters and digits.
Should contain only latin letters and digits.
Should contain only latin letters and digits.
Should contain only latin letters and digits.
Should be valid
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What is your affiliation with the Deaf Community?
What is your affiliation with the Deaf Community?
What is your affiliation with the Deaf Community?


Marchelle Orozco Free
Yamirka Free
Colin Strickland Free
Kaylah Free
Grace Gerhard Free
Brian wade Free
Jhaycel borja Free
Danielle Prince Free
Jeani  Pepper Free

The Wall

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Rose Rosenthal Free
Jan 27
that should have been MT 1000 words/phrase (not 100) but still cannot "converse".s
Rose Rosenthal Free
Jan 27
I am new member. I am 82 yrs old. Looking for someone help me learn ASL. DIdn't realize this is spossbly more of a dating site.II know over a 100 words/phrases but can't read others signing to me very well. Looking for receptive practice. I f you know someone that would help me let me know plz.I am new member. I am 82 yrs old. Looking for someone help me learn ASL. DIdn't realize this is spossbly more of a dating site.II know over a 100 words/phrases but can't read others signing to me very...See more
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